

Where are they now? (mostly) Recent Videos/interviews with students from 1993 Sri K. Pattabhi Jois led Yoga Works Ashtanga demonstrations

Right to left: Maty Ezraty, Eddie Stern, Chuck Miller, Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, Tim Miller, Richard Freeman, Karen Haberman

Coming across the excellent interview with Maty Ezraty yesterday I was reminded of other recent videos from the other participants in the 1993 Led Primary and Intermediate demonstration videos.


Maty Ezraty - http://www.matyezraty.com/

Eddie Stern - http://www.ayny.org

Richard Freeman - http://yogaworkshop.com/

Karen Haberman 

You can check out many of these teachers every year in San Diego at http://ashtangayogaconfluence.com 

This video can be purchased at http://www.kpjashtanga.com

As far as I can tell Karen Haberman is no longer teaching ( unless YOU know otherwise). A google search brings up so many students and teachers who mention that Karen was their first ashtanga teacher.