

THE COMPLETE SURYANAMASKARA - Plus Surayanamaskara (sun salutation) with mantras

One of my fondest memories of my five weeks with Ramaswami on his TT at LMU in LA in 2010 ( LINK to this years course, the last year supposedly) was the Sunday afternoon we spent listening to Ramaswami chant the full Surynamaskara, at the end of each section we would perform the sun salutation with mantras. Ramaswami has just uploaded the full chant.


I have today uploaded a 2hr 20 minute video titled "The Complete Suryanamaskara". Please have a look when you have the time, and share it with yoga friiends if you like it
Copyright of the Audio Track of Arunam (Suryanamaskra) chant recorded around 1985 is with The Master Recording Company (Sangeetha), Chennai, India. Used in the video with their kind permission. The Suryanamaskara videos were produced by Kija Manhare.

The yogis doing the asanas are Casey Markhem, Kelsey Garden and Samantha Calvano. Many thanks to all.

About the Video
The Complete Suryanamaskara contains both the physical namaskara with mantras interspersed within the chanting of Arunam (Suryanamaskara) from the Yajur Veda. It is abbout 140 minutes.The versions shown vary very slightly. It can be used to practice suryanamaskara with the chanting. It can be practised individually at home or in a studio or a common place during the day especially on a Sunday (every Sunday or one day or one Sunday every month and in the morning. One can listen to the chant and also try to follow it with the captions included. One may do the entire 32 namaskaras or may do one in the beginning and one at the end and skipping through the physical namaskara in between. There are 32 sections and chanting section (anuvaka)13 or paras 61 to 63 of the 132 paras is not supposed to be heard by those who are pregnant. Sun is said to be the god of health and in the olden days sick and even the terminally ill would be encouraged to listen to the chanting of Arunam (Suryanamaskara). Combined with the physical exercise of suryanamaskara this is a health package from ancient times".

And here is the link

Screenshots below from the above video of the Surynamaskara with mantra portion.
with Casey Markhem.
Quotes below from Ramaswami's Complete book of Vinyasa Yoga.
My extra instructions in brackets.

"Exhale, hold and chant mentally"

"Inhale smoothly raise your arms. Interlock your fingers and pull your arms back.
As you hold your breath in, mentally chant the mantra ( or stay quiet without the mantra)".

"Exhaling smoothly, stretch and bend forward, place your forehead on your knees or your shins and as you hold your breath out, chant and meditate on the mantra".

"Inhaling and while you are exhaling, bend your knees and sit on your haunches to utkatasana. As you hold your breath out, meditate on the mantra"

"Inhaling, hold your breath, lean slightly forward, raise your heels and gently jump back landing smoothly on your big toes. Keep your feet and ankles together as you push yourself back. Breathe out and as you hold your breath meditate on the mantra".

"Exhale and lie prostrate and meditate on the mantra"

(Inhale and hold)

 (inhale and...) "Perform urdhwa-mukha swanasana, the upward facing dog" ( hold and meditate on the mantra)

(Exhale) "Perform the downward-facing-dog pose" (hold)

(jump to..) "Perform utkatasana".

(inhale, hold) "Perform uttanasana"

(Inhale up,  exhale and hold)" Perform samastithi"

Three video examples, the third with the balasana variation and the fourth is the Ding namaskara (salute to directions).
see also my early post http://grimmly2007.blogspot.jp/2010/03/srivatsa-ramaswamis-complete-book-of.html

Sun Salutation with Mantra (samantraka-suryanamaskara)

Om Hram. Uddannadya mitramahah.
(You, the One rising now and daily, are the great friend, salutations to the great friend.)
Om Hrim. Arohannuttaram divam. Ravaye namah.
(Climbing, the great one, up the sky. Oh the fast mover, salutation to you.
Om Hrum. Hrudrogam mama surya. Suryaya namah.
(My heart ailment, O the divine guide. My salutations to the divine Surya.
Om Hraim. Harimanancha nasaya. Bhanave namah.
(And the green patches (on my skin due to heart ailment) you destroy. Salutations to you, the provider of light into the world.
Om Hraum. Sukeshu mey harimanam. Khagaya namah.
(Salutations to Thee, the mover in space.
Om Hrah. Ropanakasu dadhmasi. pushne namah.
(And give to the herbs used for healing paste. Salutations to thee the great Nourisher.
Om Hram. Atho Haaridraveshu mey. Hiranyagarbhaaya namah.
(To the green trees. My salutations are to the Golden creator (womb))
Om Hrim. Harimanannidaddhmasi. Marchaye namah.
(Deposit the green patches. Salutations to the radiant one.
Om Hrum. Udagadayamadityah. Adityaya namah.
(This Sun rising in the sky. Salutations to Aditya.


Salutation To Directions

Om! namh prachyai diseyascha devata yetasyam prativasanti yetabhyasch namah!
(Om. I bow to the east and the guardian angels that permeate it.)
Om! namh dakshinayai diseyascha devata yetasyam prativasanti yetabhyasch namah!
(Om. I bow to the south and the guardian angels that permeate it.)
Om! namh prateechyai diseyascha devata yetasyam prativasanti yetabhyasch namah!
(Om. I bow to the west and the guardian angels that permeate it.)
Om! nama udeechyai diseyascha devata yetasyam prativasanti yetabhyasch namah!
(Om. I bow to the north and the guardian angels that permeate it.)
Om! namh urdwayai diseyascha devata yetasyam prativasanti yetabhyasch namah!
(Om. I bow to the upward diection and the guardian angels that permeate it.)
Om! Namo adharayai diseyascha devata yetasyam prativasanti yetabhyasch namah!
(Om. I bow to the downward diection and the guardian angels that permeate it.)
Om! namo avantharayai diseyascha devata yetasyam prativasanti yetabhyasch namah!
(Om. I bow to the intermediate direction and the guardian angels that permeate it.)