

A blog's loss of purpose.... Plus a glitzy (Love) Hotel practice

or not taking yourself ( and/or your blog) so seriously.

Nothing like practicing in a kitsch Osaka 1970s Love hotel to put things into perspective and as for the above, guilty as charged, clearly.

I'd thought a step back from the blog was in order because others seemed to be taking it too seriously (being quoted freaked me out a bit - You're quoting a blog, you know that right) but ended up taking it more seriously than anyone else, thinking to go out on a big post, what was I thinking!

Some have kindly said my last post was my best post ever, I'm inclined to think that the first one probably was, certainly less pretentious.

So rather than posting elsewhere, all fresh and clean, it's back to basics here and to practice, which is what it is, and less reflection on what that might be.


Besides, interesting times are ahead, the cold weather has pretty much gone, the cherry blossom is coming into bloom and the threat of Osaka's humidity is almost upon us and in a house with no air conditioning, what effect is that going to have on practice.

Here's the glitzy Love Hotel practice post that I shamefully posted elsewhere rather than sharing with you who have continued to visit here.

Leak in the bathroom, bath being ripped out, it's going to take a week.
In the past, with an extended family sharing small houses, the short stay hotel was born, a chance to get away from the kids, the in-laws etc.

It's also possible to have a long stay, all night in fact  and is often the cheapest most comfortable option in town (from 8pm - 2pm = 5100 yen).

Osaka they has come to embrace kitsch, the above is one of the ... 'fanciest' unfortunately it was full when we arrived so had to go across the street.
 At first glance  Glitzy, a close inspection shows it's age, the 70's perhaps which might explain the Saturday Night fever dance floor.

A room with ten thousand loves stories, if the walls were inclined to whisper....

Heart shaped graphic equaliser, obviously.
The jazz station had a fondness for Lester young,he would have approved I think. 
...and how could I resist practicing here.

with so many blown bulbs, it reminded me a little of code, The matrix perhaps, and the more I think about these rooms....
unfortunately there was only a red HAL like light (above the bed..... I know), not green,
wrong movie. 


Krishnamacharya's Sirsasana ekapada vipariakarani - (Hatha Yoga)
The windows of such hotels are shuttered, discrete.... letting the world in the following morning however, temples and magnolia