

Vinyasa Krama Bow and Meditative practice inc feet together Ustrasana and kapotasana

A companion piece to yesterdays post, 'Thinking in Vinyasa rather than asana'.

A great pleasure this morning to practice Vinyasa Krama Bow and Meditative vinyasas. Practice this morning was kapalabhati, six rounds of nadi shodana, Vinyasa krama tadasana vinyasas, Ashtanga standing  up to and including the hasta padangusthasana subroutine then on to the bow and meditative vinyasas, pretty much as you see them in the videos below from a couple of years back. Then a long slow paschimottanasana, long shoulderstand and headstand vinyasas, maha mudra, baddha konasana and padmasana for pranayama, pratyahara and a japa meditation sit. Nice practice

"The participants of the 200 hr program did the routine again Half hour Vinyasas, 45 mts daily (nitya) routine of static postures (asanas) like Sirsasana,the Pranayama, dharana meditation. and ended the session with a beautiful chant of the Atma suddhi (Self purification) mantra from the Yajur Veda. All thanks to the divine grace of my beloved teacher Sri Krishnamacharya".
Srivatsa Ramaswami

First video below is a shortened version of the Bow and Meditative vinyasas ( meditative because the vinyasas are based on vajrasana, a classic meditation posture). the second video is of just the knees and feet together ustrasana and kapotasana. The final video is of ramaswami leading one of his students through Bow vinyasas on a 1980s TV slot.