Merry Chirstmas everyone!
I hope each of you has a wonderful Holiday!
Thank you for sticking with me this year. I have so enjoyed your comments, questions and concern during the past months.
Shanti. Shanti. Shanti.
Don't just read about it. Get up. Experience it. Experience yoga!
Kevin Perry
p.s., Many of you have not met me. That's me up there in the Santa suit in a rather informal version of upavistha konasana, the seated angle pose. Upavistha is translated "seated" and kona is angle. My friend Lauren says she remembers that kona means "angle" by thinking of the word "corner," which sounds like kona.
That's called association...when you associate something you want to remember with something you alredy know. That's what we do at the Experience Sanskrit workshop. The really strong associations are based on vivid experiences you have. We'll create lots of unforgettable experiences when we get together next for the Experience Sanskrit workshop in Kansas City.
It's coming up SOON, January 14, 2006, at Sunshine Yoga at Chiro Center, in Kansas City, MO. Enroll today here.
Don't wait. Tuition goes up to $65 on January 7.
The Experience Sanskrit workshop comes to Fort Worth on January 28th, Downingtown, PA on February 4th, Annapolis, MD on March 4th, and St. Charles, MO on March 18th. Find out more about these workshops at www.ExperienceYoga.org.
p.p.s., Click here if you want to see a bigger version of the my greeting card above.
p.p.p.s., Shanti is peace. May you sleep in heavenly peace.
Copyright 2005. All rights reserved, Mo Yoga LLC.