I was bouncing tonight at the beginning of a class I taught.
I was on one of those big Swiss balls, or stability balls.
Surprise! With a loud bang the ball popped. Down I went, landing on my tailbone.
I felt that horrible compression feeling in my low back as my vertebrae jammed together.
But I laid on my back for a while and let it release. I felt fine right away.
Why was I bounching, you ask? Good question.
Read my Daily Yoga Tip from back on April 27 to get the story on why you should be bouncing, too.
You can read it at http://experienceyoga.blogspot.com/2005/04/put-little-bounce-in-your-wellness.html .
By the way, this is a Daily Yoga Tip. And frankly, I don't consider bouncing on a big stability ball to be yoga. So be sure to read all the way down to the "p.s." on that bouncing tip to find out how you can achieve the same benefits by being upside-down in inverted yoga poses.
Don't just read about it. Get up. Experience it. Experience yoga!
Kevin Perry
p.s., We just made an agreement today to come back to Texas to conduct the Experience Sanskrit workshop in Fort Worth on January 28, 2006. Keep reading these Daily Yoga Tips for the details. We should have the location and times out later this week.
And we're going to be in the Philadelphia, PA area on February 4, 2006. Keep checking in with me here at the Daily Yoga Tip and I'll give you all the details.
Until then, I wanted to let you know that the Experience Sanskrit workshop at Golden Heart Yoga in Annapolis, MD, March 4, 2006 is filling up fast. Don't be left out. Register today at http://store.yahoo.com/yhst-13837176072520/exsawoanmdma.html .
If you don't know about the Experience Sanskrit workshop, it's a fun and unforgettable way to learn and remember the Sanakrit names of yoga poses. Find out more at http://experienceyoga.org/.
Quick. Do a Google search on hanumansana and astavakrasana. Find picture of these two poses. Many of our participants in the Experience Sanskrit workshop are able to do these poses for the first time at the Experience Sanskrit workshop.
Why should you want to know this? Because I don't just teach people how to remember Sanskrit names of yoga poses. I teach them to do yoga! When we're in Annapolis, we're staying over for an extra day. I'll be teaching a two hour asana workshop on Sunday, March 5. Don't miss it. Register now at http://store.yahoo.com/yhst-13837176072520/exyoaswoanmd.html.
Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. Mo Yoga LLC.